Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Realizing reality – Part II

(You will need to read the first part to follow the chain of thought)

The danger in all this of course is the way we react to such situations. We are trust into action… to “perform” to “achieve” to “do”… and we don’t know What needs to be done? Why it needs to be done? Or anything.

We stumble along, seeking “solutions”, grab the first thing that we come across and “implement” it.

We start to imitate rather than create, we seek to push down rather than surge ahead, we seek to be secure rather than going into the unknown.

Worst… We resort to believing numbers.

Numbers which we called on to support and justify our decisions now become the decision makers. The reason of reasoning so to speak... not a good idea methinks... to trust statistics with thought and reason.

Deadlines become walls which cage our very beings Performance parameters; hours put in, marketing targets, bank balances, documents written, lines of code coded become boundaries which suffocate our thoughts, our dreams.

Everything in life becomes measured; ambiguous measurements that no one really knows what to do with. People, feelings, emotions, relationships all become measured. Everything adding up to our “success”.

Floydishly, the walls that we built are those that are crushing us now…

Is this the new reality…? Is this what is in store for us?

Or is this distorted sense of reality going to clear up as we go along?

The room still remains silent.


Nada said...

Have you read "The Goal" by Eli Goldratt. If not, you should...

feddabonn said...

...being a brick isn't so bad as long as one is a drunk brick...